In this Lesson On Owning Your Own Narrative, visionary architect and advocate, Pascale Sablan talks about how a pivotal moment in her early days studying architecture called her to her larger purpose of uplifting the voices of women and people of color, not only in the field, but beyond the build environment.   A Lesson […]


In this Lesson On Commitment, Rich Nichols talks about fighting for equal pay for the United States Women’s National soccer team (USWNT). Rich shares insights into what it takes to stand up to the entire US Soccer Federation and why women are just people who get things done without any ego involved.   Rich Nichols […]


In this Lesson On Mindfulness, Dr. Ellen Langer,  shares her profound insights on mindfulness how it enhances women’s leadership. Dr. Langer, known as the “mother of mindfulness,” was the first woman tenured in the Psychology Department at Harvard and has been at the forefront of mindfulness research for over four decades, contributing significantly to our […]


In this Lesson On Doing What You Love, Allison Eden talks about her journey as a celebrated creator in the world of glass mosaics. Allison shares insights into her creative process, the evolution of her career, and how passion drives her success. Allison Eden has been celebrated as the ‘Lady Gaga of the Tile World,’ […]

Glass mosaic artist Allison Eden in her studio.


In this Lesson on Sharing Your Stories,  Chicago-born writer and reproductive justice activist Renee Bracey Sherman talks transforming the visibility and representation of people who have had stigmatized experiences. Bracey Sherman shares why it’s so important to share your own story, how you can stand strong in speaking your truth, and how you can embrace […]



When you’ve set an intention for a new vision and hit the start button, it usually gets messy. Everything that is not a match for that vision will present itself, usually in the form of a problem. Whether it’s unfinished business, relationships that are no longer a fit or other energy leaks. From a metaphysical […]


Half of the kids in my neighborhood have already gone back to school, which feels a little crazy to me since I’m still in Summer mode. Last year at this time, I was closing on a house and I had no idea what was in store for us as I made a move across the […]


Most of us have learned that it’s not a good idea to “burn the bridge”, because we think of that concept exclusively in terms of relationships. But if you’ve read Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think & Grow Rich, you know that the concept of burning bridges is also a reframe for risk. Burn the bridge that […]


Merle Hoffman is an internationally known leader in the struggle for women’s rights, opening one of the first abortion clinics pre-Roe in 1971. Throughout her activism career spanning over 50 years, Merle’s mission remains the same; for women to fight for their own reproductive choices and to recognize that each individual woman can make a […]




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